The Xavier Retreat House located on the very Picturesque peninsular end of the Calangute shore was one of four retreat houses constructed by Fr. Adrian Le Tellier S.J., a Belgian Jesuit belonging to the Province of Kolkata. The other centres are in Mumbai, Mangalore and Goa.
Convinced that the Baga hillock was the ideal location for the Retreat House, Fr. Le Tellier made fervent appeals, coupled with public prayers and penance to convince Prof. Christovao Egypsy, who was the owner of the property, to donate the land for the purpose. He was able to start the construction of the project when providentially, his niece in Belgium joined the Carmelites and donated the money that had been assigned for her dowry (should she have married) for the building of the Retreat House. In fact, she was later permitted to visit Goa to see the fruit of her gift when it was in the process of coming up.
The Xavier Retreat House in fact, stands as a testimony to the wonderful community spirit of those times, with the local residents active and enthusiastic participants in the endeavour. In responce to Fr. Le Tellier's pleas, parishinors voluntarily carried a stone each time they came up to attend daily mass. By 1951, the Retreat House stood complete - a tribute to the skills and the materials used at that time, with an aura of prayer surrounding the place - indeed, a true labour of love and participation.
Subsequently, six rooms and a hall ( today know as the "Lower Hall") were added on by Fr Irineu Lobo, through funds donated by the Figueiredo family of Loutolim, in memory of Jose Philomeno Figueiredo, who drowned tragically at Canacona.
Today, the Xavier Retreat House serves as a base for spiritual renewal programmes, catering to a large number of people both lay and religious, truly fulfilling Fr. Le Tellier's noble dream.Keeping in mind this noble vision, the idea today behind the Retreat House is that every retreatant can start to build a new society when they begin putting right what is wrong in their own lives.